CAPITAL: Cinehagen ••• POPULATION: 25 mil
RULER: King Edwin Fairchild ••• LANGUAGE: Fellese (English)

Pitchfell is the most technologically advanced nation, thanks to the Fairchilds, the country's Royal Family. Though it's relatively small, Pitchfell has become a global powerhouse, producing the most advanced airships in the world. As the years pass and other countries begin to catch up, however, their political influence has become a driving force behind keeping them relevant. A traditionally conservative and deeply religious people, the Felese are known for their commitment to faith and the Crown, though their social politics are severely lacking.


CAPITAL: Ironpoint ••• POPULATION: 10 mil
RULER: The Han Family ••• LANGUAGE: Coranthene (Filipino)


CAPITAL: Allem ••• POPULATION: 30 mil
RULER: King Gregorio Torres ••• LANGUAGE: Allemian (Spanish)

Habaka is famous for two things: being the least religious country, and having the largest population of slaves in a world that's more or less abolished the practice. With more than half of the people currently enslaved, Habaka entertains a relatively tenuous relationship with the other nations, but their collective talents with science, mathematics, and their merchant trade makes them indispensible. Yet that somehow doesn't prevent them from making their fair share of enemies, either - they often refuse to assist Yoscos, which leads to the occasional skirmish along their borders.


CAPITAL: Asaris ••• POPULATION: 8 mil
RULER: King Jahan Habbasi ••• LANGUAGE: Habakan (Punjabi)

Habaka is famous for two things: being the least religious country, and having the largest population of slaves in a world that's more or less abolished the practice. With more than half of the people currently enslaved, Habaka entertains a relatively tenuous relationship with the other nations, but their collective talents with science, mathematics, and their merchant trade makes them indispensible. Yet that somehow doesn't prevent them from making their fair share of enemies, either - they often refuse to assist Yoscos, which leads to the occasional skirmish along their borders.


CAPITAL: Kincree ••• POPULATION: 9 mil
RULER: King Mael Coluim ••• LANGUAGE: Coaster (Gaelic)

New Allem

CAPITAL: Libertatem ••• POPULATION: 14 mil
RULER: Madame President Haizea Renata Chavez ••• LANGUAGE: Allemian (Spanish)

One hundred years ago, New Allem was a territory of Gilboah. Originally colonized by the Gilboahns, the Allemians began petitioning for their independence over seventy five years into it. The Gilboahns were arrogant enough to believe themselves powerful enough to quickly crush those rebels and put an end to any talk about revolution. What they hadn't expected was the rebels being supported by Pitchfell, an alliance that eventually led to New Allem's victory. Since then, New Allem's success has been something of an irritation to the rest of the world. Though they're a peaceful nation whose education is among the highest in the world, they are proof that a democracy can work, that the people don't require a king or queen to rule over them in order to prosper. And that frightens some people.


CAPITAL: Magaalada ••• POPULATION: 5-7 mil
RULER: N/A ••• LANGUAGE: Qal (Somali/Xhosa)


CAPITAL: Miyahaba ••• POPULATION: 19 mil
RULER: Emperor Keisuke Matsuuna ••• LANGUAGE: Qeskan (Japanese)


CAPITAL: Jarvenpaa ••• POPULATION: 8 mil
RULER: King Jarl Leifsson ••• LANGUAGE: Steillish (Swedish)

The Vale

CAPITAL: Palais ••• POPULATION: 20 mil
RULER: King Gaspard Rousseau ••• LANGUAGE: Valean (French)


CAPITAL: Herberg ••• POPULATION: 20 mil
RULER: King Erwan Kistner ••• LANGUAGE: Voen (German)

The country of Voxford is one with deep, complicated ties to both Yoscos and Pitchfell. As the largest export of iron and steel, Voxford is relied upon for most of the resource material required to build both airships - and weapons of war. Because of this, nations often vie for Voxford's allegiance, and when even a whisper of tension arises, Voxford finds itself at the center of every treaty. The people are generally apathetic about this fact, however, as they're too busy with far more important things - like training their blacksmiths and iron traders.


CAPITAL: Kostrovrov ••• POPULATION: 70 mil
RULER: Emperor Sergei Konstantinov ••• LANGUAGE: Yosci (Russian)